Newton Perkins is alarmed by the number of blanket e-mails and letters being sent to our clients (and us!) on an almost daily basis regarding the recently announced 2017 Rating List. Often using alarmist, sensationalist language the so-called Rating “ Experts” promise savings and recommend immediate action.
We consider their assertions to be potentially dangerous and irresponsible. Precipitous, ill-considered action and appeals will have long-standing implications for the entire duration of the list (at least 5 years). Under the draft 2017 List rules, poorly crafted or inexpertly negotiated appeals cannot be rectified as there is only one appeal permitted in the lifetime of the new Rating List.
Every Rating Assessment must be considered individually and in detail before a decision is made to submit an Appeal. This requires time and effort on the professional rating advisor’s part because every assessment is different. In all events, no action can or should be taken until April next year when the new system of “Check, Challenge, Appeal” comes into force.
It is the case that many London occupiers should brace themselves for an increased liability from April next year. However, the 2017 Rating List is still in draft form. Our research shows the List contains many inconsistencies and indeed that some are in the ratepayer’s favour! To apply a blanket appeal process, which is what the “Cowboy” and “blanket canvassers” seem to be proposing risks an increase in your company’s liability and indeed that of other companies in your building and locality.
Newton Perkins aims to maintain a detailed, considered, professional approach to
Contact Mark de Roeper to discuss any issues related to this.