Public Transport

  • 0.42 miles from Old Street


113 Shoreditch High Street, E1


Price: £2,000 - £12,000


113 Shoreditch is a property bursting with character located in London’s most artistic borough. Shoreditch High Street, Old Street and Liverpool Street stations are all walking distance along with meeting spots like the Ace Hotel, Shoreditch House and some of the capital’s best pubs, bars and eateries.


Space Desks
Office G01 Available now 12
Office 101 Available now 26
Office 102 Available now 16
Office 201 Available now 18
Office 202 Available now 6
Office 203 Available now 14
Office 301 Available now 14


  • Air conditioning
  • 24 Hour Access
  • Kitchenette
  • Showers
  • Meeting rooms
  • Private Office
  • Furniture is available

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