Public Transport

  • 0.12 miles from Aldgate East
  • 0.20 miles from Aldgate
  • 0.36 miles from Tower Hill


50 Leman Street, E1

Rent: £39.50 per sq ft.


50 Leman Street is located on the West side of Leman Street close to the junction with Alie Street to the East of the City Core. Aldgate East and Aldgate Stations are close by, with Tower Hill & Tower Gateway (DLR) also within close proximity.

Video tour


Floor Sq Feet Sq Metres Status
1st Floor 4,568 425 Available


  • Air conditioning
  • Fully Accessible Raised Floors
  • Suspended Ceiling with new LED Lighting
  • Two automatic passenger lifts
  • New carpet
  • Reception with commissionaire
  • Fully fitted with meeting rooms and kitchenette
  • New furniture
  • Power & Data installed


A new lease is available for a term until December 2029, outside the security of tenure and compensation provisions of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954, Part II (as amended).


Estimated at £15.74 per sq. ft. overall. However, all interested parties should make their own enquiries.

Service Charge

Estimated at £9.95 per sq.ft


The building has been elected for VAT.

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