Public Transport

  • 0.12 miles from Green Park
  • 0.48 miles from Hyde Park Corner
  • 0.49 miles from Piccadilly Circus
  • 0.49 miles from Bond Street


65 Curzon Street, W1J

£11,333 - £95,000 PCM


65 Curzon Street comprises of high end, self-contained serviced office spaces. The centre boasts a large, newly refurbished reception, unbeatable views and a prominent West End location.


Floor Sq Feet Sq Metres Status
6th Floor 2,750 256 Available now
4th Floor 850 79 Available April 2021
3rd Floor 6,000 558 Available March 2021
2nd Floor 1,350 125 Available now


  • Shower facilities
  • Manned reception
  • Fully Furnished
  • Kitchen
  • 24hr Access
  • CCTV
  • Lift
  • Panoramic Views

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